When I first contacted Janice about helping me find a commercial location for our small salon I wasn’t sure if someone that had her experience would find the time for such a small location, needless to say she more than exceeded my expectations. Janice treated my situation as if it were Worth a million dollars. When Janice first contacted the owners of the location that I desired they told her that they were not looking to place a salon there and we should look for other locations but Janice did not let that stop her she took the time to write a letter to the owners explaining how our salon was different and how their location could benefit by having us there, within days they contacted her and accepted our offer. I owe my success partially to Janice and all of the work she was willing to put into such a small amount of money. Thank you Janice for treating me like a million dollars!

Erwin Mills' New Residents
Synergy Commercial Properties is proud to help place Traci Ford and Rasheed Wallace, owners of For Alma, in Erwin Mills in Durham. See them in The Scout Guide.
Janice and I worked on several land deals for Multi-family development. This process is a long involved process that required constant aggression and persistence. Janice’s ability to stay on task and be at the right place at the right time resulted in significant rewards for The Hanover Company. Whenever, I have a need for deal in her markets, she is the first phone call.